Privacy & Data Policy

Privacy Policy
This website uses cookies for Google Sign-In. Some basic information is needed to sign in, so your name and e-mail are stored to ensure you are affiliated with SCU. This information is used for the purposes of authenticating users.

This website also uses a self hosted instance of Umami Analytics to track basic usage statistics. This information is used to see how many people are using the website, and what pages are being accessed. This information is not shared with any third parties.
Data Distribution Compliance
SCU Course Evals complies with the data distribution policy as stated on the Course Evaluations webpage.
The Course Evaluations data presented on these pages are for use only by Santa Clara University (SCU) administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Any access of, distribution to, or use of this data by individuals or associations not directly affiliated with SCU, as mentioned above, is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to electronic or hardcopy storage and distribution of these Course Evaluations data in whole or in part. This disclaimer is subject to change without notice and supersedes any previous Course Evaluations disclaimers. (18 August 1995)
All data is only accessible by peoples with "" or "" e-mail accounts. This website is run by Zach Bellay ([email protected]), who is an SCU alumnus.